Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sister Pet

Although this story of victory has not been posted here yet, last night Miss Cee once again prevailed.

Last night was the occasion of the Amazing Awana Turtle Races at church, for all the Awana clubbers. Photos will follow...and the turtles are not living creatures but wooden cutouts which are decorated by clubbers and then wiggled down a racing lane by means of nylon twine, steady nerves, and sweaty little hands.

For the third time in three years, Cecily won the Best Design Award for her turtle in her age category. Heavens, it's almost embarrasssing! To those who wondered whether she had any assistance, I can only cross my heart and affirm that she was Firmly In Charge of all decorating efforts.

But, that's just the backstory. Sure, there were some moments of glory as her name was called out and she stood up front; and she was presented with a $10 WalMart gift card. Nice!

Yet, what I'M jealous about is the fact that today she was (with actual very minor effort) able to persuade Ben to take her to WalMart to redeem her prize.

We all must accept the family situations we're placed in, and mine was blessed...but oh, how I would have loved to have had a loving, handsome older brother to chauffeur me around once in a blue moon...or even just once, period!!

BEN: Mom!!!! We're back!!!

MISS CEE: Mommy! Look! I got a sucker!!

BEN: Uh, yeh, we had to go to the bank first and I took her in with me [hmm, better than leaving her in the car in -5 degree weather)--

MISS CEE: --I got to go the bank with Benny!

BEN: Yeh, I'M talking...and the lady said, 'ooh, is this your little sister? She's so cute!! Hi there! *patting her on the head* And THEN they asked her if she wanted hot chocolate and a sucker! Like...I never get asked that!

FAITHFUL CORRESONDENT: [somewhat abashed] Huh, I never get asked that either....

BEN: Yep. Well, I had to make an important business withdrawal..and I took Cecily with me. She was cooperative but she couldn't sit still..she had to get a second and third sucker, and then a glass of water and then go to the, she was mostly well behaved, but also what you would call Active.

MISS CEE: Well, Benny, you're making it sound like they petted me or something! They didn't PET me! Sheesh.

BEN: Well, then we stopped at WalMart, and she had trouble deciding what to use it for, so we walked around for 10 or 20 minutes, so then she decides she's goikng to get a lot of things.Like she had to get exactly enough things to use up the whole $10...which is not so quick as you might think. So she got erasers and candy and things. I was trying to teach her the principles of economics..

F.CORR.: Hmm, I bet THAT was a challenge...but, perhaps, Ben, this experience will stand you in good stead in future years when you might, possibly, find yourself shopping with females more your own age...

BEN: Maybe, I don't know. But, shopping with Cecily is an experience. I won't forget this.

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