Monday, February 7, 2011

...As In Snowglobe?

I realize it's been a while since we've had any direct dispatches from CecilyLand, but today's classroom experience yielded one little nugget of note...

As reported by Mrs. G., accomplished professional teacher and persevering instructor of Miss Cee for almost Two Whole Years...

Mrs. G.[after introducing the new class reader, Meet George Washington]: So, George's older brother was sent away to England to go to a boarding school there. Boarding school is a place where you not only go to classes, but also-

Miss Cee:--Like, you live in a dome, right?

Mrs. G: What, Cecily?

Miss Cee: I've heard of this before! You live in a dome while you're there...everyone has their own dome to live in...

Mrs. G: No, I don't think so, Cecily...

Miss Cee: Yes, it's your own DOME!!!

Mrs. G: Wait a minute...maybe you're thinking of 'dorm' a dormitory where you live and sleep there and go to school during the day.

Miss Cee[somewhat abashed]: Well, that MIGHT be it...

Hmmmmm...can't be TOO sure about these teachers, though...sometimes THEY get mixed up!

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