Friday, May 14, 2010

Momentary Musing...


The sun is shining, and today is a better day. I just returned from some pre-graduation stealth in surreptitiously dropping off absconded items from Ben's room to be arranged in a shadow box by one of his bosses at Perfect Frame...there is more to this reconnaissance mission than one might think...

Then, off to his soon-to-be alma mater to turn in four photographs to be used in the PowerPoint presentation that is flashed up during the commencement ceremony as each graduate crosses the platform to receive the coveted diploma...

These are days of worldwide stress and turmoil, quite a bit of it--it seems to me--unprecedented.

Thus, I was struck by the sense of peace and thankfulness that came over me as I walked the halls of Ben's and Alina's high school. Nowhere is perfect. As with most (if not all) of life down here, educational choices -if they exist at all- are often choices between relative better and worse. It is cliche to mention how very much different today's high school experience is from what Mr. H. and I remember.

But my just-completed trek to the high school office was a reminder that our kids have been privileged to be in a good place; not perfect, but much better than some. There are no policeman present, no postings or policies that are objectionable to our values and principles. Students and staff seem at ease...

This was a good thing to be reminded of.

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