Another installment in the “We Ask But All-Too-Often Forget to Thank” Chronicles, also known as Answers-to-Prayer Nearly Taken For Granted…
After more than 11 months, persevering effort, sometimes wavering confidence, exemplary persistence, and collaborative intercession, Jerry (affectionately known as Uncle Jer to the Hollidayettes) has at last reached the end of his job search.
In His Own timing, God has connected the dots. From Akeley (in the frosty upper reaches of MN…and I secretly think the name Akeley has something to do with ‘bone-aching cold’, Jerry is now moved and getting acclimated to Tulsa, OK. I admit that our smaller selves here at the Circle H Ranch were hoping his new location would be a little closer to the Forest City here, but the Main Thing is settle into God’s choice of destination.
The job seems like a great match, and if the venison hunting may be a bit sketchy, it is—after all- cattle country.
So, we rejoice with Jer on arriving at the next destination, charted by the Master Cartographer! As time permits, we also may soon be checking with to see if there really IS a town in OK called “Owassa”. Really?
Oh yes...there is a place called Owasso, OK!